Originally posted on MexResorts.com The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a controversial new trade bill. In Mexico, where “free trade” agreements have been historically destructive, the uncertainty over the implications of TPP has stirred up much discussion. A lot of analysis...
There has been a lot of talk about Nuclear Power. A lot of people are afraid because of what they hear on the news and they think these places can be dangerous for the environment and the population. I asked...
The EPA, which initially claimed it had spilled 1,000,000 gallons of waste into our rivers, has revised the number to 3x that amount. 3,000,000 gallons! But today we get good news. That same EPA says wildlife is not in...
Welcome to a special edition of EmancipatedHuman. This time around I didn't interview someone, in fact, I was invited to a show called The Currency of Anarchy where my friends Joshua Davis and Michael Freeman interviewed me. We talked about...
Robert Cohen / St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP By Julian Adorney When judging an institution, it’s important to examine the incentives of its agents.  The incentives of the police force in Ferguson are decidedly flawed. Three major incentives tend to govern police...
I was invited to speak at the Libertarian Party Leadership Conference in Round Rock, Texas and I focused on the importance of Social Media. I hope you enjoy the presentation. https://youtu.be/-rVPjOqI9rM
by Donnie Gebert The Legislature Each adult represents them self; everyone has the same legal status, senator or legislator. No one is elected. There are no 'public service jobs' per se. Any activity performed by a group is done so by...
Keynesian economic theory took a swift rise in popularity and became the standard economic model during World War II, I won’t delve into the entire theory because this article is not about that but if you’d like to know...
I had the good fortune to connect with the very charismatic and controversial John McAfee. We talked about his Presidential Campaign, his work with NASA, flat earth, the war on drugs, Edward Snowden, awareness, his experience as a yoga instructor,...
Luis was once again invited to speak at Anarchapulco. This time the subject was: String Theory Of The Human Condition - How To Intentionally Create A Laissez Faire World. Starting from the family unit, theocratic governments, early capitalism, passing on...

