This is Part 4 of a 5-Part series examining a private police force that has taken root in Detroit. Everyone should take the time to learn about Detroit’s Threat Management Center. Check out this amazing interview on the Tom Woods...
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” -Bill Gates Not a super fan of Bill Gates, but this quote is quite relevant and true. Here's the...
Author, healer, coach and educator Kendal Williams, is known for her passion for truth and healing. Kendal’s spiritual journey started as a child but she was awakened to the powerful connection of sex and spirit at the age of 15 when...
I must admit that I was once a Che Guevara shirt-wearer... until I learned more about the truth behind this really crazy man. Herewith we have some quotes of this not-so-good role model. Che Guevara “Youth must refrain from ungrateful questioning...
Parents whose children attend St Patrick’s Geelong West Primary have been informed that hugging is now banned. Geelong West Primary principal John Grant reported as saying, “In this current day and age we are really conscious about protecting kids...
By Brandon Roark If there ever was a successful society, someone found a way to perpetuate a power-building scam to feed off of it. Sometimes these emerge as emails from a Nigerian prince, a multi-level marketing scheme, a conventional religion,...
What’s the point of having ideas and philosophies if we can’t share them? We are, after all, equipped with mouths to speak with and ears for hearing. Ideas are vital to our existence. Some ideas live on for thousands...
Maybe our culture has finally evolved past the erroneous, ridiculous belief that has been purposely planted that Anarchists are destructive punks who throw things and desire chaos and violence. But do people really know who Anarchists are? Anarchists are...
Our friend Danilo from Peaceful Anarchism interviewed my wife, Seda Essence, about Reiki. Some topics touched upon were an explanation of Reiki, the history of Reiki, the mechanism of Reiki, how Reiki practitioners compare with Qigong masters, conditions benefitted...
Public to Private will be a recurring series in which we will use imagination and brainstorm to come up with theoretical private sector alternatives to existing public sector services. Below is Article #1 in which we will apply this...

