The Beautiful Lie of Democracy and a direct republic: Part 2


The Beautiful Lie of Democracy and a direct republic: Part 2

by Donnie Gebert

The Legislature

Each adult represents them self; everyone has the same legal status, senator or legislator. No one is elected. There are no ‘public service jobs’ per se. Any activity performed by a group is done so by contract and paid for by that group only. Public policy/regulation will be organized and paid for by super ordinate goal, voluntarily and openly. Ramifications of that public policy will have a list of responsible actors to seek damages from. Ex: Drug laws would not exist for everyone, but only for groups that choose to enforce it upon themselves. Should their enforcement racket hit the wrong house, that group will be sued and be held accountable for their political acts or, at a minimum, heavily insured against these acts. This happens today, except the tax payers suffer the aggression and fund the insurance policy, not the responsible parties; Also, those who think drug laws are stupid won’t have them and won’t have to pay for any of the associated stupidity, to include the insurance/damages. This also happens today, by state. We’re taking that to the individual level. The regulatory state issues transition to viable insurance models and private property claims. EX: The Sierra Club secures land for preservation by purchase and enforces its own standards upon that property. Resources are not spent on lobbying, as the mechanic is removed; the ability to dictate to others what is done with their land is also done away with. This is accomplished with blockchain deeding rather than government intervention to ensure property is secured. Purchase of federal assets and parks can solve several budgeting issues by releasing these assets to be dealt with by SMEs in their prospective fields/markets. (Oprah : make welfare solvent again) This covers everything except defense; that is its own animal; Dr. Robert Murphy is a leader in the field of understanding non-monopolized defense and has a wealth of material on the topic. Eric Prince has been, arguably, running a decentralized/market defense solution for years.

Public law becomes crime against persons and property only, Title 18 minus statutory opinions. To ensure this process is not mechanically, legally, philosophically, fallaciously, financially, and/or functionally destroyed for you by someone else, the legal system is assembled build-a-bear style, the most effect mens rea tool I know of. The removal of ignorance from a legal system, by the reduction of scope and complexity, in this manner is a de facto contract law arrangement, sans state.

The efficacy of a legal system where ignorance is not a factor is the legal equivalent of German engineering. However, if the MG42 taught us anything, it’s that the best engineers may make that which is overly complex and unsustainable for operations. To that we must ensure that our good ideas and accoutrements do not turn the main effort gangrenous, a minimal viable product will again be needed. The build-a-bear method provides this feature as well, provided the legal system only applies to you. As counterintuitive as that sounds, when arranging by superordinate goals, a society may arrange personalized legal systems, to an intelligent extent; provided the MVP is installed as the ‘bear’ in the system, the rest is personalization and cost/value judgements. The things no one wants are covered and everything else becomes its own self-mitigating factor, you’ll only bring so much public policy into your life and then stop when you’re full. The concept functions as the division of labor, applied to politics.

My favorite example, if a tad vulgar, in the system I describe, you can have the right of prima nocta. This is referenced to the movie Braveheart, where an English lord claims the right to have sex with peasant wives on their wedding night, as a matter of noble right. If one desires, you may add the right of prima nocta to your codex of rights in your system…..but it is your system and only applies to you, so go fuck yourself. This principle is repeated with every bad idea one can come up with; the stupidity is yours, where it can’t hurt others, and you live with it until you figure it out or you call it a feature and keep it. Your decisions, not that of some dead politician.

The Judiciary

Also in the ‘bear’ are judiciary and penal options (as a ‘must have’, not as a ‘must have X or Y’), all will have costs and methods associated. The options are too many to mention and one is not more ‘wrong’ or ‘right’. It’s a preference, nothing more, with a cost and people should get to pick their own; the Dershowitz or Napolitano method will both get it done, it will not get done with a monopoly on justice. If you’d like the death penalty or not, modern prisons or a deserted island, restitution or retribution, etc….. there is no reason to think this is not possible or preferred to select the option from several on an individual level; it’s just not traditionally possible and yet unconsidered. It’s the keys you didn’t look for, after the keys you found, on the way to the voting booth.

The Executive

There is no voting at all because the de facto executive becomes the owners of the contracted companies you support with your dollars. These people are selected by competence, competitively bid, and are funded for performance, not promises. Pulling your funds doesn’t have to wait til the next election either. This will require people to not hyper react to news of their particular organization and seek facts before defunding their own projects.

This article could be a fortnight long if I address every jot and tittle. I think the organizational model works better than what we have; even if you don’t think so, the time for pointing at the Constitution and declaring it the best thing ever has to end, and a real discussion must be had. To set the stage for a transition, this model is crowdfunded for the minor infrastructure and spun up alongside the federal establishment. The titration to the new system happens as individuals move over. There are no legal entities w/o a pulse in the new Republic of America. LLCs, Corporations, and Governments all stay on the legacy system. This legal protection is akin to robbing banks with a sock puppet and the sock puppet goes to jail while you cop a plea. That ends, forever. Those organizations may die or reorganize with humans at the helm, responsible for the certain activities of that group. I’m sure those very capable people will figure it out. They did the first time. You won’t have to pay for it and that really is good enough. Anything else comes with more costs and problems associated than it solves.


Regardless of your political affiliation, I think we can agree the system is flawed and it is a problem unto itself, requiring its own solution. By prioritizing the correction of systemically addressing flaws in a poor manner, other issues synergistically gain the benefit of streamlined mechanics. This process needs barcode efficiency to service so many of Us. It will not happen until we act and install it.

If you think this sucks, great. What would yours look like?

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Born in Denmark Michael studied business in Aalborg for some years joining the special panzer infantry unit in the Danish military run by the special forces and afterwards the national guards military police division. After his time in the military Michael worked in retail while learning computer skills such as website development, SEO, design and Marketing in his spare time. After a couple of years Michael started his own company in Denmark but quickly realized that having a business in Denmark was very anti productive. An opportunity arose as his friend was starting a business in Mexico and was invited to tag along. Michael went to Mexico and quickly learned the customs, language and saw the waste opportunities in Mexico for online businesses. He then set up his business and started multiple successful businesses such as (Now | All Inclusive Resorts Mexico), and He also consults for clients all over the world in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Michael has now been a successful entrepreneur in Mexico for almost two decades.
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