Expats’ Quick Guide To Making A Living Abroad

A guide to becoming financially independent while living abroad

Expats’ guide to making a living abroad

Are you an expat, future expat or just looking for new revenue streams? Then this quick guide is for you! In this guide you will find easy and actionable advice on how to set up some extra income streams no matter your skill set, location, age, capital or any other barrier you might think will hinder you from starting up your own venture.

Michael BachMichael Bach is an entrepreneur who became an expat 16 years ago when he moved to Mexico with no savings, no income, and no Spanish language skills. Michael has started many businesses of his own, including Descubrelo.mx, Electronicos Mexico, and helped other expats start their businesses. Michael does consultations on online business for clients all over the world.

Other ventures: Mexican Vacation Destinations | Travel To Cuba | Mexico Turnkey | Freelance Writer Mexico | All Inclusive Resorts Mexico

Here is an interview between Luis Fernando Mises and the author Michael Bach

Luis: What made you decide to write this quick guide?

Michael: I have contact with a lot of expats and future expats in my line of work and the number one worry they have whether being new expats or about to embark on a move is if they will be able to sustain themselves and even their family. After over 16 years as an expat and over 20 years as an independent entrepreneur I thought I would write a quick and easy guide to get started.

Luis: I can imagine it takes a certain skill set to be able to move to another country and then start up a business or get even a regular job there.

Michael: This is what most people think, and I can understand why since it is new to them. But in reality it is not hard at all and any barriers you might be thinking off can easily be broken down which I go into detail with in the guide.

Luis: That sounds interesting. I have read the guide and must say it is a great read for anyone, not just expats, that would like to set up an addition income stream.

Michael: Yes, although I wrote this guide with expats in mind it can easily be used by anyone who would like to set up some extra income streams that could eventually lead to people not having to work for anyone but them selves.

Luis: Anything else you would like to say to the readers?

Michael: Yes, I really hope you enjoy the read and it sparks your imagination and motivation to get some new revenue streams set up. And please send me any comments or questions you might have, I am looking forward to reading them all.

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Expats’ Quick Guide To Making A Living Abroad